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4-Step Checklist to Effective Digital Branding

4-Step Checklist to Effective Digital Branding

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In a world where tools like Google Analytics allow you to track the conversion rates of every page of your website, and platforms like Facebook Advertisements allow you to bid for sales and leads, it is understandable that many marketers forget about the value of digital branding.

Branding is often ignored in digital advertising when in fact, it is a strategy that can produce impressive results over months and years. While branding will not produce the immediate results of a pay-per-click campaign, its effects are long term, allowing trusted brands to bring new customers in huge numbers.

The steps to effective digital branding are not as difficult as it may appear. Below, we have listed four important tips to help you establish, strengthen, and expand your brand’s digital presence.

Become a Content Authority in Your Industry

Time and again, content has been proven to be effective in establishing and strengthening your company’s web presence. Whether it is a blog or a video, well-known brands have the most engaging and authoritative content.

An engaging blog post can create thousands of impressions at a very low cost. Content also has a complementary SEO effect like attracting links and page reviews. This makes it an excellent long-term strategy for branding while also improving your page’s search visibility.

Use Social Media Ads to Promote Your Website and Content

Even if you have good content, it will still produce few results if no one can find it. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter Advertisements are important tools for promotion. These will allow you to connect with a large group of people that are likely to respond positively to your brand.

With Facebook Advertisements, you can target a specific group of people who are interested in the same products and services you offer, helping you reach many highly responsive people. Twitter’s ad platform, on the other hand, allows you to target the audience of specific brands and people. You will be able to add to your brand without wasting time on people who are unlikely to become customers.

These are just two of the most cost-effective branding channels you can try for your digital campaign. If you have never advertised on any of them, you should start now.

Think Long Term by Prioritizing Branding, Not Conversions

It is easy to track the response rates and profitability of advertisements online. This makes it tempting to focus on conversion rates and short-term ROIs when gauging a campaign’s effectiveness, so marketers often launch advertisements without branding in mind.

The world’s most effective digital branding campaigns do not push people to buy a specific product or take action. Instead, they focus entirely on associating a specific feeling with a certain brand. Nike’s commercials never conclude with a call to action. They always end with a flash of the company’s logo.

The goals of a digital branding campaign are different from direct response. It is better to separate the two. Think of the conversions from branding as a bonus, as its real benefits are only visible over the long term.

Invest in Banner Advertising If the Price Is Right

Over the past few years, the rates for CPM have increased tremendously, so banner advertising has become a less appealing channel for branding. However, it can still be a very effective way to expand your reach and improve your presence.

The key to effective digital branding through banner advertising is to find websites that attract an interested audience. Look for a website that is the perfect match for your products and services. Aside from guest blogging, banner advertising can get you the exposure you want at a reasonable cost.

Also, platforms like Google AdWords allow you to access most large websites as an advertiser. Some publishers also sell their extra inventory at discounted prices through real-time bidding marketplaces, such as SiteScout.

While it is easier to track the performance and results of a PPC or other SEO campaign, you should not neglect branding. Strengthen your web presence by working with a professional digital branding agency. Check our SEO services and get the best possible rates by completing the form below.

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ADMS Paul Donahue

About Paul Donahue

Paul Donahue has been in the digital marketing realm since 2009. He has an intense passion for creating a dynamic digital presence for his clients through modern websites that rank well on Google. His company’s website is Colorado’s top-ranked SEO company. Author of three books published on Amazon, he is particular about staying abreast with the constantly changing SEO and digital marketing industry trends.

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