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The Importance of SEO During COVID-19

The Importance of SEO During COVID-19

Table of Contents

Stay-at-home guidelines during COVID-19 have significantly changed the way people interact, not just with each other but also with brands. We have now entered the digital era for business. Those companies without an online presence are less likely to survive the pandemic. As a brand, you have to be able to reach the people where they are if you want to convince them to purchase from you, and right now, most people are spending their time on the internet.

Why Invest in SEO Services During the Pandemic?

Online, one of the tried and tested marketing strategies is search engine optimization, or SEO. It is a known habit for consumers to go online when looking for a product they want but are not too familiar with. Because its goal is to get you as high up in search results as possible, one of the benefits of SEO marketing is that, when done right, you will be the first website that the consumer will see.

As buyers shift online to do their shopping, it is important that you don’t fall behind. Assume your competitors will pounce on any opportunity to get ahead, meaning that you want to keep up and even surpass them. This means that now is the perfect time for you to come up with an SEO strategy that will lead users to your website before any others can grab their attention.

The focus of your marketing strategy during the pandemic should be on creating quality and engaging content that will convince potential customers to purchase from the comfort of their own homes.

SEO Tips: COVID-19 Edition

The importance of SEO cannot be overstated. Now is the time for you to increase traffic to your website in the hopes of converting visits into sales. With that said, here are some SEO tips that might help you with your digital marketing during the pandemic:

1. Create content that targets new users.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, not everyone used the internet, and some only used it for short amounts of time. Now, almost everyone uses it to a greater to degree, often out of necessity. As such, this is a good opportunity for you to hook them before your competitors do. You can do this by creating content that addresses their needs and interests. SEO experts accomplish this is by doing in-depth research into what new internet users are interested in and their browsing behavior.

2. Stay on top of important trends.

As you build your content, remember that everything online changes fast. What is popular today may no longer be popular tomorrow. Therefore, you have to adapt quickly and pay attention. One of the most important SEO tips is to always stay updated with the latest trends. You can’t have a relevant topic and then sit on it for a few days. You should always know what is viral on the internet at any given time and seize the moment by creating content about it. Through the use of relevant keywords, you can easily create content targeting those users who are interested in a given topic.

3. Connect with consumers through different channels.

In marketing, the more customers see you, the better. That is why it is important to engage with them using every available means, including social media. In the past few years, social media has quickly grown in importance. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are now some of the most visited and viewed platforms both on desktops and smartphones. With more people accessing the web through their smartphones, it would be a good SEO strategy to equally focus your attention on your social media pages.

The disruption of normal business operations and marketing strategies has highlighted the importance of SEO now more than ever. At Advanced Digital Media Services, we have professionals who can come up with good SEO strategies that will engage your customers. Learn more about how we can help you by filling out the form below!

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ADMS Paul Donahue

About Paul Donahue

Paul Donahue has been in the digital marketing realm since 2009. He has an intense passion for creating a dynamic digital presence for his clients through modern websites that rank well on Google. His company’s website is Colorado’s top-ranked SEO company. Author of three books published on Amazon, he is particular about staying abreast with the constantly changing SEO and digital marketing industry trends.

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