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Responsive Web Design

Why Your Company Can’t Live Without Responsive Web Design

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Time flies, and it was in 2015 that Google rolled out an important algorithm, named Mobilegeddon, which changed the world. In the simplest of terms, Google was laying the groundwork for websites to become mobile friendly. Since this is an important algorithm ranking factor, sites that do not qualify as a mobile responsive website pay the price with lower rankings. A responsive website is one that users can view just as well on any device like a tablet, phone, desktop, or virtually anything in between.

Mobile Configurations

There are three options that fall under the responsive web design umbrella:

  • A responsive web design uses fluid, proportion-based grids. Expect to see different CSS style rules and flexible images. User experience will be the same whether using a desktop, tablet, or mobile device. The same HTML and URL structures come into play. Websites grow or shrink according to the user’s device.
  • Adaptive design can also serve devices using similar URL structures. It works by detecting each device and generating a particular version of the site’s HTML. The end result is appropriate for that particular device.
  • Separate mobile site configurations can deliver HTML via separate URLs. This depends on the device that it detects. Desktop and mobile-friendly site pages exist on different domains.

Google prefers a responsive web design, and this is the configuration that it rewards the most. Key elements of this type of design include:

  • An ability to read text without having to zoom;
  • Any element on a page that users interact with remains functional across devices; and
  • Easy viewing without having to scroll horizontally.

Mobile Marketing Stats for 2019 and Beyond

Marketers and website owners should be aware that mobile search is here to stay. By the end of 2019, there will be five billion mobile phone users. Much of this mobile growth comes from the use of smartphones. Up to 53% of worldwide traffic during 2019 will occur through mobile phones. These percentages may fluctuate depending on the source and topic. However, you can be certain there is every indication that mobile internet access will continue to climb year after year.

The most obvious benefit of a mobile responsive website is that any device used will give the user their best online experience while visiting a page. It will also be one of the most consistent experiences. The right design can also enable users to view the most essential information. Mobile-friendly websites are far more likely to show up in search results than those that are not.

Consider the following wisdom:

  1. Incorporate a design that helps you reach customers and clients on smaller mobile devices.
  2. Consistent, positive online experiences can easily help to increase lead generations, sales, and conversions.
  3. Your ability to analyze data, track, and report everything are benefits that can come with responsive mobile design.
  4. With a mobile responsive website, the cost of managing your website decreases.
  5. Here is an alarming number! Close to 44% of Fortune 500 companies are not up to speed or mobile ready. There is a lot of room for improvement if you are currently not in compliance.

Responsive Web Design Benefits

Your digital marketing professional team can provide additional information about the benefits of having a responsive website.

More Traffic

You can expect more mobile traffic with a responsive site. With more than half of all website traffic originating from mobile devices, you cannot afford for users to encounter distorted screen images and site layouts. You can also expect greater visibility at reduced development costs. This eliminates the need for separate website versions.

Fewer Maintenance Needs and Lower Cost

With a responsive web design, you don’t need to worry about maintaining both a desktop site and a mobile version of that site. For business owners, time is money. It only makes sense that it costs more to maintain separate websites. These are maintenance costs and special configurations that cost time and money.

Site owners can also expect lower maintenance needs and costs. Every separate site always requires testing and support. A responsive website design can utilize standardized testing methods to ensure a consistent screen layout. Consider as well that different website designs require different content strategies. Several websites may also require separate design teams and administrative interfaces. This takes creative time away from critical things like content creation and marketing.

Faster Loading Site

It is a fact that mobile users generally have short attention spans. Slow-loading webpages will cause a website to circle the drain. Users typically leave pages that take longer than three seconds to load. Slow-loading websites also take longer to navigate. Responsive websites typically utilize the most modern performance techniques as well.

Higher Conversion Rates

How about higher conversion rates? Eliminating or lowering bounce rates is only one skirmish in the battle. The secret of online conversion today is to address the user experience across every device they can use. The key is a professional-looking website that looks and delivers the same across every platform. Keep your customers from turning to the competition.

Easy Reporting

Responsive websites make it easier for analytics reporting. It is vitally important to know where users arrive from and how they interact while on your web properties. Multiple versions of a website complicate matters because it makes it tougher to track a user’s path to conversion. With a single site, it is far easier to monitor every relevant process. Google Analytics provides the perfect tool for condensing every analytic data point into a single report.


SEO is everything in determining how well your website ranks. Responsive design is a critical component of SEO. Aim for lower bounce rates and stronger backlinks with your new website design. One single website also helps to reduce the chance of creating duplicate content, which can affect your ranking in a negative way.

An improved browsing experience is among the best reasons to bring your website up to speed with a responsive web design. Your goal is to give users a consistent experience that will make them want to revisit repeatedly. Partner with a responsive web design company like Advanced Digital Media Services, who can tackle the tough jobs for you! Contact us now to get a free consultation!

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ADMS Paul Donahue

About Paul Donahue

Paul Donahue has been in the digital marketing realm since 2009. He has an intense passion for creating a dynamic digital presence for his clients through modern websites that rank well on Google. His company’s website is Colorado’s top-ranked SEO company. Author of three books published on Amazon, he is particular about staying abreast with the constantly changing SEO and digital marketing industry trends.

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